Item Description:Edge Polisher
Type:Edge Polisher
Make: Park Industies
Model: Velocity
Year: 2005
Condition (including hours used, if applicable): Great
Known defects: None
Terms and Conditions of Sale
Price: Call Charles for pricing at 877-959-9192
Warranty, and if no warranty state “as-is”: AS IS
Return policy, if any: – None
Delivery method (pickup; shipping; etc.) including responsibility for cost: Buyers Responsible for disassembly; Shipping.
Taxes and any other government fees (whose responsibility): Buyer
Photos of the Velocity Edge Polisher
Maximize productivity with the VELOCITY®.
Park’s decorative edger that offers a perfect edge finish in a single pass. Process hundreds of feet per day with a single operator with the VELOCITY® Edger that can easily shape and polish laminate edges in a single pass without the hassles of double-cutting on a saw.
The user-friendly touchscreen allows for quick adjustments for stone thickness, conveyor speed, and spindle staggers. The controls also give an operator the ability to easily make profile changes without any tools.
The VELOCITY® Decorative Edge Shaper and Polisher has a unique system that ensures consistent end-to-end polish every time and creates French euro miter friendly cuts.
Exclusive ArmorShield Protection
The ArmorShield Protection is a process that protects critical machine parts which enhances corrosion and wear resistance.
It extends the lifespan of critical components by protecting the parts from the harsh, wet environment, increasing machine uptime.
The ArmorShield is not a plating or surface coating process. This unique process produces an aesthetic black finish that impregnates the material for strength and durability. The treatment actually changes the composition of the material on the outside of the part.
Tags: 2005, Edge Polisher, line polishier, Marmo, park